Note. Riles with a prefix "S" are for single track; those with a prefix "D" are for two or more tracks. Rules without prefix are for single and two or more tracks.

Standard Time

    1. Standard time signals will be transmitted daily at 22 A.M. Central Standard Time and 12 Noon Eastern Standard Time. Clocks indicating standard time will be maintained at stations designated by special instructions.

    2. Employes in train and yard service, and other designated employes must use watches of a reliable railroad grade that have been examined and certified on prescribed form by a designated watch inspector.

    Employes in yard service at designated locations may be relieved of compliance with Rules 2, 3 and 3-A when authorized by the Superintendent.

    3. Watches of Conductors, Engineers, Yardmasters, Yard Foremen and other designated employes must be compared before commencing each day's work, with a clock designated by special instructions as a standard clock. The time when watches of Conductors, Engineers, Yardmasters and Yard Foremen are compared must be registered on a prescribed form.

    3-A. Conductors, Engineers, Yardmasters and Yard Foremen who do not have access to a standard clock will obtain time daily from the Train Dispatcher or will compare time daily with Conductors or Engineers who have registered on the prescribed form.

    Operators, at train order offices, must compare time with the Train Dispatcher at first opprtunity after going on duty.

    3-B. Before starting tour of duty, train and engine crew will compare time with each other when practicable.


    4. Each timetable, from the moment it takes effect, supersedes the previous timetable.

    A train of the preceding timetable therwupon loses both right and schedule and can thereafter proceed only as authorized by the Train Dispatcher.

    4-A. During a period commencing 24 hours before and continuing not less than 72 hours after a new Timetable or Supplement thereof becomes effective, the Train Dispatcher will, in other than Automatic Block Signal Territory, place a Train Order Form Q for delivery to all trains and Yardmasters or yard engines. In Automatic Block Signal Territory, bulletin instructions may be used instead of train order.

    5. Not more than two times are given for a train at any station; where one is given, it is, unless otherwise indicated, the leaving time; where two, they are the arriving and leaving tine. Scheduled times when shown in italics convey no timetable authority and are for information only.

    Time applies at the switch where an inferior opposing train enters the passign siding; where there is no passing siding, it applies at the station. Where Rule D-251 or 271 is in effect time applies at the station.

    Passenger trains must not leave passenger stations where they are required to receive or discharge passengers, until the leaving time shown in the timetable.

    6. The following letters in timetable schedule or station pages indicate:


    7. Employes whose duties may require them to give signals must provide themselves with the proper appliances, keep them in good order and ready for immediate use.

    8. Flags of prescribed color must be used by day, and light of the prescribed color by night.

    9. Day signals must be displayed from sunrise to sunset, but when day signals cannot be plainly seen, night signals must be used.

Fusees and Torpedoes

    11. A train or engine finding a fusee burning red on or near its track must stop and will then be governed as follows:

  1. In Automatic Block Territory, proceed at Restricted speed to next block signal or be governed by insdtructions of flagman. Restricted speed will not apply for a greater distance than one mile.
  1. In other than Automatic Block Signal Territory, after an unattended fusee burns out, train may proceed.
    An unattended fusee burning beyond the first rail of an adjacent track will not apply to the track on which train or engine is moving. Fusees must not be placed on public crossings. Care must be used to avoid placing fusees where they may cause fires.

    11-A. The explosion of two torpedoes is a signal to be on the alert for an obstruction or flagman. THe explosion of one torpedo will indicate the same as two, but the use of two is required.

    Torpedos must not be placed at stations or on public crossings.

Hand Signals

    12. Hand signals must be given sufficiently in advance to permit compliance, from a point where they may be plainly seen, and in such a way that they cannot be misunderstood. If there is any doubt as to the meaning of a signal, or for whom it is intended, it must be regarded as a Stop Signals.

    When an engine or a train is moving under the direction of hand signals and the signal disappears, the movement must b stopped immediately and await further signals, unless proper arrangements have been made in regard to such movement.

    Engines, while handling wreck crane at point of derailment, must not be moved until given the proper hand signal with green flag or green light.

    12-A. Stop - Swung horizontally at right angle to track.

    12-B. Reduce Speed - Held horizontally at arm's length.

    12-C. Proceed - Raised and lowered vertically.

    12-D. Back - Swung vertically in a circle at right angl to the track.

    12-E. Apply Air Brakes - Swung horizontally above the head, when standing.

    12-F. Release Air Brakes - Held at arm's length above the head, when standing.

    12-G. Any object waved violently by anyone on or near the track is a signal to stop.

    12-H. Red fusees, red lanterns and red flagsmust not be used for any other purpose than to give Stop Signals. Yellow fusees will be used to give signals where view of hand signals is restricted. Yellow lantern and yellow flags will be used as prescribed by the rules.

Engine Whistle Signals

    14. The signals prescribed are illustrated by "o" for short sounds; "-" for longer sounds. The sound of the whistle should be distinct, with intensity and duration appropriate to the distance signal is to be conveyed.

14-A. o Apply brakes. Stop.
14-B. - - Release brakes. Proceed.
14-C. - ooo Flagman protect rear of train.

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