Let Us, As One

This is an anthem I wrote in the Fall of 1999 to honor the anniversary of Rosemary Beakes as organist at our parish. The music and words are both mine.

Let us, as one, in the presence of the Holy Mysteries,
Praise the Lord our maker, praise the Lord our redeemer;
Worship the Lamb of God: Jesus Christ.

Let us, as one, in the presence of the Holy Mysteries,
Praise the Lord our maker, praise the Lord our redeemer;
Worship the Lamb of God: Jesus Christ.

Let all the faithful gathered in Thy Holy Name
Raise their voices unto Thee, O Lord.

Let us, as one, in the presence of the Holy Mysteries,
Praise the Lord our maker, praise the Lord our redeemer;
Worship the Lamb of God: Jesus Christ.

Blessed are they who feast at Thy table;
They shall be nourished by Thy Grace.
Blessed are they who keep Thy commandments;
They shall behold the brightness of Thy face.

Let us, as one, in the presence of the Holy Mysteries,
Praise the Lord our maker, praise the Lord our redeemer;
Worship the Lamb of God: Jesus Christ.

Let us who partake of the Bread of Heaven
Lift up Thy Name to the heavens above;
Let us who partake of the Cup of Salvation
Walk in the world in witness to Thy love.

Glory be to God: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost;
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
World without end. Amen, Amen.

Let us, as one, in the presence of the Holy Mysteries,
Praise the Lord our maker, praise the Lord our redeemer;
Worship the Lamb of God: Jesus Christ.

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